Erexium Male Enhancement Review:

featured image of erexium pill for consumer review article
Most male enhancement companies sell similar products and these products usually do the same thing. 

They give you a better erection, give you more sexual stamina, and increase your libido. I have recently reviewed Erexium which has a male enhancement to see if it will work for you.

All About Erexium:

This is a male enhancement product created by the company Option Biotech. 

The company claims you will get a longer and thicker erection, more sexual stamina, better sexual performance, and more libido after you take this product.

The Ingredients:

The ingredients in this product are herbal in nature and many of them are found in other male enhancement products. 

One ingredient called Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed is known to be an aphrodisiac. To increase testosterone levels in the body Tribulus Terrestris has been added to the formula. 

For improved blood flow to the genital area, the product contains Cnidium Monnier. 

Other common ingredients in the formula are liquorice, nettle, ginseng, ginkgo, and saw palmetto. The ingredients in this formula are listed clearly on the label of the product. 

You’ll need to take two pills with each meal for seven days.  After this time, you’ll need to take three pills a day as maintenance.

Banner leading readers to ingredient facts articles

  1. Horny Goat Weed
  2. Tribulus Terrestris
  3. Cnidium Monnier
  4. ginseng
  5. nettle
  6. liquorice
  7. saw palmetto

The manufacturer claims that you can see some good result in around three weeks, but of the four results will take around 120 days. 

They also claim that you will have more stamina, more powerful orgasms, and a 30% growth in the size of your penis.

The Pros:

  • The ingredients are listed clearly on the label
  • Many of the ingredients are known to help with male enhancement
  • It’s a 100% natural product

The Cons:

  • You get a money back guarantee, but the contact information is sketchy
  • There are no clinical trials done in the product
  • There are few testimonials available
  • The website for the product is quite confusing
  • There are no recommendations by doctors or other medical professionals

Where To Buy It:

You can buy this product through several websites or through the company’s official website.  It will cost you about $50 for 90 pills although you’ll probably find it on sale if you look hard enough.

My Conclusion:

Erexium features several ingredients that are found in many male enhancement products. 

The main concern with this product is that the website is poor with many grammar and spelling mistakes.  The website is also not easy to use. 

The fact of the company says you can grow your penis by up to 30% is something that you have to take with a grain of salt. 

This sort of claim should be ignored as this is just not possible. 

This supplement could help you ease erectile dysfunction symptoms and improve overall sexual health, but it will not grow your penis.  It is up to the individual to decide if they want to use this product or not.

The only thing you need to do is research like your doing now and find a supplement that works for you.

I have personally tested over 85+ different Male enhancement pills. Max Performer pills I have found to be the most effective. 

It gives good solid results and all the feedback from customers is positive.

Max Performer Pills boost’s stamina-energy and libido. As well as being the best in its class.

At helping give better quality erections that stay stiffer and harder for longer.

Now PROVEN through extensive use. Max Performer is set to become a household name in male enhancement.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith














  • Natural Blend


  • Not Top Rated
  • Not FDA Approved
  • No Official Website

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