ManUp Now Male Enhancement Review:

featured image of manupnow pills packet
There are many male enhancement products on the market. Some of them have been looked at by the FDA due to questionable ingredients.

In December, 20210 Man Up Now was a product looked at by the FDA. Here’s our review of the Man Up Now product to determine if it’s one that you should take or not.

All About:

Man Up now is a male enhancement product that said to be all natural according to the company manufacturer.

The FDA discovered, however, that this wasn’t the case. The product was found to contain the ingredient Sulfoaildenafil.

This chemical is like the one used in the formula for the prescription drug Viagra. A prescription is needed for Viagra because the main ingredients can interact with heart rate and blood pressure if you take medications for these conditions.

You may get dizzy or you have a very low blood pressure.

Where to Buy:

Despite the warnings, you can get Man Up Now online through various retailers. None of the sellers had any guarantees about the product or refunds available. It’s about $10 for three pills which is a little high.

Users Reviews:

It’s always good to get some reviews about products before you buy them. Here are a few reviews about the Man Up Now product so you can decide if it’s the right one for you.

Stan “I tried many other male enhancement products, but haven’t had much luck with them. When I took this product, I felt the effects of it within 30 minutes.

I was able to recover from sex a lot faster after taking it. After I took it, the effects lasted until well into the next day.

This product seems to work for me and I haven’t had any side effects like I do with other products. I recommend this product for men that want to improve their sex lives.”

The Pros:

  • Seems to work for some men

The Cons:

  • FDA problems
  • Expensive product

My Conclusion:

The FDA warning is a big red flag for this product despite the reviews that the product does work. The prescription ingredient can be dangerous for some men to take.

Since it has a prescription ingredient, we cannot recommend this product. 

If you plan to use this product, you should check with your doctor before use or choose something with an all herbal formula.

Now there is no real need to spend your hard earned money trying to achieve a better quality sex life, you need to know what works and how and know where to get it.

My favourite is the Max Performer supplement you can Visit the Official WebSite for more information about the product.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

Man Up Now Pills













  • Natural Blend
  • Available Online


  • Not Available In Shops
  • No Bulk Deals

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