D-Aspartic Acid & Penis Enlargement:

featured image of D-Aspartic Acid for consumer info article
DAA is also called Aspartic Acid. This is an amino acid that is used often in supplements to boost testosterone. Athletes and bodybuilders use it often and some may decide to use it for penis enlargement because testosterone is the male sex hormone.

All About DAA:

The body with synthesizes DAA naturally for physiological processes so you don’t need it in the diet to survive. DAA is a precursor to some amino acids like methionine and lysine.

It plays a role in the production of testosterone and this is why it’s often referred to as a testosterone boosting supplement.

How it Impacts Testosterone:

There have been no studies that indicate DAA can increase your testosterone levels to any great level. It was shown that there was no change even after using it for 28 days.

Since this supplement doesn’t increase testosterone, it’s unlikely to play any major role in penis enlargement.

D-aspartic acid does increase DDO and D-ASP serum, but this has no impact on the size of the penis. There have not been any studies of any kind that show that supplementing with it is effective for testosterone production.

My Conclusion:

I don’t recommend that you take DAA. There’s nothing to indicate that this will have any effect on a penis enlargement routine.

You’re better off looking at products that are known to raise testosterone levels in the body and leave DAA alone as it will do nothing to increase the size of your penis.

Other supplements are going to be more beneficial for penis enlargement, just avoid DAA as it won’t work for this purpose.

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Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

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