Stinging Nettle & Penis Enlargement:

Stinging nettle featured image for consumer info article
Stinging Nettle also goes by the technical name Urtica Dioica. This plant is used as a herbal supplement and it can treat various symptoms. It’s taken both orally as well as topically.

It’s been used to treat infections, arthritis treatment, the flu, inflamed prostate, cardiovascular disorders, and to improve male testosterone levels.

Benefits of Stinging Nettle:

  • Better circulation
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Gives you more testosterone
  • Can improve the prostate

Stinging Nettle and Penis Enlargement:

Many bodybuilders use stinging nettle because it has a compound which we call 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran and this can increase the free testosterone as it occupies globulin which is a sex hormone.  You need free testosterone for your penis enlargement routines.

The cells will repair and grow at a faster rate which results in a larger penis in less time. This makes stinging nettle a beneficial ingredient for any penis enlargement routine.

Better Blood Pressure:

Some studies indicate that stinging nettle can be very beneficial for blood pressure and as it can relax blood vessels which decreases blood pressure.

You don’t want high blood pressure if you want success with penis enlargement so taking stinging nettle can help lower blood pressure.

Prostate Health:

Many men that practice penis enlargement can have a swollen prostate. This is quite uncomfortable and can make penis enlargement more difficult.

Many male supplements can also aggravate the prostate, so you end up not being able to take the supplement.

Stinging nettle can be a good ingredient to take is it will improve the overall health of the prostate and make it easier to take supplements and practice penis enlargement.


There’s a lot of medical studies that back up the use of stinging nettle to improve circulation, improve testosterone levels and provide relief for the prostate so its a recommended supplement to take for any man looking for quality penis enlargement.

My Conclusion:

Stinging nettle can be a part of your penis enlargement routine and it has a lot of benefits for overall sexual health.

It’s commonly found in male supplements and recommended for men looking to increase the size of their penis.


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Warm Regards

Tim Smith

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