Irexis Male Enhancement Review:

Irexis Pill featured image for my consumer review article
Many supplements claim to be number one, so this statement must be looked at with caution.

This statement was made by the manufacturer of the male enhancement product Irexis.

This is our review of this product to see if it lives up to the claims given by the manufacturer.

All About Irexis:

Irexis is a male enhancement product. The manufacturer says the product can increase energy levels, boost testosterone, and work as an aphrodisiac.

The Ingredients:

Most of these ingredients make Irexis on par with other male enhancement products as they all do about the same thing.

Irexis seems to be missing nitric oxide boosters such as Arginine which help promote proper blood flow to the penis and other areas of the body. Some ingredients included in the formula are;

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  1. Muira Puama
  2. Catuaba Bark
  3. Yohimbe Bark
  4. Tribulus Terrestris
  5. Oyster extract
  6. Pumpkin Seed
  7. Zinc

Yohimbe has some questions raised about it and it can have side effects. There’s also Oyster extract, Pumpkin Seed, Zinc, and Ginseng in the formula for this product.

Most of these ingredients make Irexis on par with other male enhancement products as they all do about the same thing.

Irexis seems to be missing NO or nitric oxide boosters such as Arginine which help promote proper blood flow to the penis and other areas of the body.

You may have some side effects when you use this product such as a headache, upset stomach, irritability or nausea.

You may want to see a doctor before you use this a product to see if it’s the right one for you. This is important if you already have some sort of medical condition or take prescription medications.

Where to Get Irexis:

You can get Irexis through the company website. You’ll receive a discount on the product if you buy more than one bottle which costs you $50, but if you buy ten bottles it only costs $250.

The Pros:

  • The ingredients are explained and clearly listed
  • The product is manufactured in the U.S.A.
  • The ingredients are of a high quality
  • The product comes with a guarantee
  • There’s useful information on the website about ED or erectile dysfunction issues

The Cons:

  • There’s no clinical studies done on the product
  • The guarantee terms are a bit vague
  • Yohimbe is one ingredient that can be risky for some men to take
  • You can only get it through the company website, so prices are what they are

My Conclusion:

Irexis doesn’t live up to its claims as being the number one supplement out there for male enhancement, but we can recommend the product for those that want to try it.

The product will help those that want to raise their libido and performance during sex.

The inclusion of Yohimbe can be a problem for some men, but the ingredient is known to work for male enhancement.

If you have side effects from taking Irexis to make sure you see a doctor and discontinue use.

The only thing you need to do is research like your doing now and find a supplement that works for you.

I have personally tested over 85+ different Male enhancement pills. Max Performer pills I have found to be the most effective.

It gives good solid results and all the feedback from customers is positive.

Max Performer Pills boost’s stamina-energy and libido. As well as being the best in its class.

At helping give better quality erections that stay stiffer and harder for longer.

Now PROVEN through extensive use. Max Performer is set to become a household name in male enhancement.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

Irexis Pill













  • 100% Natural Blend
  • Good Formula
  • Available Online


  • No Guarantee
  • Not Available In Shops

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