Formula 41 Extreme Pills Review:

Formula 41 extreme pills featured image for review article 2018
Hi and welcome to Best Erection Boosters, my name is Tim Smith and this is my personal review site.

There are many different male enhancement products on the market to treat male sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction.

formula 41 extreme featured image of me with product for consumer review article

Most of these products claim that they are the best male enhancement product out there but looks can be deceiving.

It’s important to get comprehensive reviews on male enhancement products before you buy one to treat your individual issue.

I have reviewed several of these products including Formula 41 Extreme, which we look at in this review.

All About:

The manufacturer claims that this product will make your penis larger. They also claim that they are the number one male enhancement on the current market which really isn’t true.

formula 41 extreme featured image of me with product for consumer review article

Many manufacturers will make this sort of claim, so you must be careful before you buy a product such as this one.

The main thing that these products do is allow more blood flow into your penis, so you get a better erection. the main problem with the product is that there’s not a lot of information provided about the manufacturer, so you must be cautious about what you buy.

The Ingredients:

There are several ingredients in the formula including;

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  • Oyster extract
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Muira Puama
  • Maca Root
  • Tongkat Ali
  • Orchic Substance
  • Oat Straw
  • Liquorice

This formula is quite standard in male enhancement products.

You should see more sexual performance, stamina, and a better erection after taking this product. It will allow more blood flow into your penis, so you get a better erection.

For example, Tongkat Ali is known to boost your libido. Maca Root and Muira Puama can Improve your erection.

You should take the product about one hour prior to sexual activity for the best effect or you can take up to two capsules per day.

Where to Buy:

You can buy this product from the website in a one-month supply will cost you around $45. You do get a 90-day money back guarantee so it’s worth it to try the product to see if it works for you.  If you order more than one bottle, you’ll get a discount. Your order is 100% secure through the website.

The Pros:

  1. The ingredients of the product are listed
  2. There are some customer data to back up claims
  3. The company has an informative website
  4. There’s a 90-day money-back guarantee
  5. You get a discount on multiple orders

The Cons:

  1. There’s not a lot of information about the manufacturer
  2. You can only buy it online

My Conclusion:

This is probably a half decent male enhancement product that should work for you. There are better products on the market, but this one should be a good starting point for you.

Image of me holding formula 41 extreme male enhancement supplement

It’s difficult to judge how well this product will work for you as we are all different so you’re going to have to try the product to see if it works for you.

There are some beneficial ingredients in this formula, but there are other enhancements on the market that have even better formulas in this one.

You should take advantage of the 90-day money-back guarantee to give this product a try if you want to see if it works for you. If it doesn’t do what you want, simply send it back and get a refund.

I would recommend this product to men looking for male enhancement just don’t expect miracles with it. Take advantage of the guarantee to see if it works as a manufacturer says it does.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

Formula 41 Extreme













  • 100% Natural Blend
  • Very Effective
  • Amazing Blend
  • Available Online


  • Rather Expensive

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