Erexanol Male Enhancement Review:

featured image of erexanol creme
You may be among the many men that are frustrated looking for male enhancement products simply because there’s so much choice. 

I have reviewed a wide range of male enhancement products including pills, creams, and other supplements to help you improve your sexual function. 

Here is my review or Erexanol to see if this is a product for you.

All About Erexanol:

This product is a male enhancement cream. Male supplements that are cream based usually work quickly because it is absorbed into the penis right away. 

The company claims that this product will give you more stamina, a better erection, and boost your sex drive. 

The company does offer a money back guarantee so this is a positive sign. Many male enhancement companies don’t offer any sort of guarantee with their products. 

It’s always better to buy a supplement if it has a guarantee so you can get your money back if you don’t like the product.

The company claims that their cream is easy to use and that it doesn’t smell like other creams tend to do. It has a smooth texture and consistency while other creams can be runny, sticky, and have a foul odour.

The Ingredients:

When you buy a male supplement it’s a good idea to know what is in the product.  This cream contains the following:

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  • Ginseng
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Glycerine
  • Maca Extract
  • L-Arginine
  • Methyl Nicotinate

These ingredients are said to work together to improve male sexual function.  L-Arginine is one of the best ingredients in this formula because it’s known to increase blood flow which results in a harder penis.


It’s always a good idea to read reviews about male enhancement products before you buy them to determines if the results are positive or not. 

Here are a couple of reviews I found which may help you make up your mind whether or not you want to buy this product.

Kyle “This cream did nothing for me.  The claim that the cream will give you an erection, but I do not get this after using this cream.  I waited quite a long time, but had no results.”

Steve “This cream works quite well.  I was harder and firmer than ever before and had great sex.  I can recommend this cream for men looking for male enhancement.”

The Pros:

  • It’s cream based so it may work quickly
  • Contains ingredients known to work for male enhancement
  • It’s all natural

The Cons:

  • Many negative reviews have been made about it
  • Does not contain certain ingredients that are known to help with male enhancement such as Tribulus Terrestris.

My Conclusion:

Erexanol appears to be a quality product for some men. At the same time, there’s a lot of negative reviews about this product. 

My conclusion is that this cream is going to work for some men and not for others. My recommendation is that you try it simply because you get a money back guarantee and if it doesn’t work for you, just send it back. 

It’s always a good idea to purchase male enhancement products that have a money back guarantee simply for the fact that you don’t know if the product is going to work for you or not.

The only thing you need to do is research like your doing now and find a supplement that works for you.

Max Performer is one of, if not the best male enhancement supplement out there today.

This is down to its extremely strong and powerful Blend, And the proof that it works time and time again from its actual users.

Have Fun And Above All Stay Safe

Warm Regards

Tim Smith

Erexanol Creme













  • 100% Natural Blend
  • Very Effective


  • Only Available Online
  • No Guarantee

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